July 31st Filipino Food Sale Thank you all for your support!
August 21st Family Picnic at St. Callistus 1:00pm – 5:00
Food (tacos) served 1:00 – 3:00 (free to all)
Games and Activity 1:00 – 4:00 (corn hole, water balloon toss, egg toss,
relay races and bingo)
Karaoke Contest (open to all. Categories: 17 and under, 18-64, 65 and older)
Thank you to those who attended. We hope you had a great time!
September 25th Wine Tasting Social was such a fun event! Thank you all who attended. Wine glasses and Coffee mugs are available to a $5.00 offering each.
October 15th and 16th Celebration Mass
Vigil Mass: Refreshments and fellowship after Mass
8:00 Mass: Bishop Barber Presiding. Refreshments and fellowship after Mass.
10:00 Mass: Refreshments and fellowship after Mass
12:00 Mass: Champagne Toast reception after Mass
August 21st through October 30th
St. Callistus Timeline posted in parish hall. Don't forget to stop by and take a look.
Please check back often as details may have updated and/or changed.