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The parishes of The Diocese of Oakland rely on the generosity and stewardship of each of their members. Gifts from the faithful are vital to keeping each church community active and fruitful. Even though they are not able to minister to each of you in person currently, your parish still needs your financial support for ongoing operations and expenses. Please continue to make your gifts during this difficult time.


One option is to sign up for automatic transfers. Click here for more information.


Another is to donate online using a debit or credit card. Click on the "Donate Now" button and this will redirect you to the online support page at the Oakland Diocese website. It is very important that you select the correct parish from the drop down menu to ensure that St. Callistus receives your donation. See image below as reference.




Tithing is an essential part of our Christian faith. During these tough times, if you are able, please consider doing a recurring automated withdrawal to help our St. Callistus church through these times, too. You may cancel automation at any time, afterwards.

How to Do ACH: 


Here's what you can do to sign up for ACH:


(a)     Click here for the EFT-Recurring Automatic Contribution (ACH - PDF version). You may download, fill out the form on your computer, print it, then scan it (if you have ability), then email to   




(a)     Write a note to St. Callistus. State that you wish to sign up for ACH. Indicate how much, monthly or bi-monthly, state the amount that you wish to donate, and when you wish to start (1st or 15th of the month).


(b)     Attach a VOIDED check to your note. This will identify the Bank routing number and your bank account number.


(c)      Sign your letter. Your signature is very important in order for the Bank to process your automatic withdrawal. The Parish Office will complete the ACH Authorization form; attach your letter with your signature and your voided check to this form. 


(d)     During Parish Office hours, come to the Office and pick up an ACH Authorization form, complete it and give it back to the Office. You will still need to provide a voided check. Questions? Please call the Office 510-223-1153 during Office hours.

ACH Instructions
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