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Above the Clouds


"A sacrament is a visible sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace." 


The First Sacrament, is the basis of Christian life. We are reborn "through water and the spirit."


The greatest gift given by Jesus for us to live our lives with Him. It is the source and summit of our Faith.


Reconciliation is a sacrament which shows that God is love and that His mercy surpasses all our sins.


In the sacrament of Confirmation the baptized person is "sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.


The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant, which is more than a contract. It's the visible assign of God's love for the church.


Part of Jesus' ministry was to heal the sick, and He went about curing those who were ill or disabled, showing that suffering and death have no place in the Kingdom of God.


As people of God, we all share in the priesthood of Christ, and so the Church speaks meaningfully of "the priesthood of all believers."




The First Sacrament, is the basis of Christian life. We are reborn "through water and the spirit." This rebirth helps us to become the member of the church, child of God filled with grace, cleansed and freed from the Original sin and enter into a new life in Christ.


For Baptism at St. Callistus, parents must be registered parishioners of St. Callistus for at least 3 months.

Parents and the primary sponsors/ God parents are required to attend the preparatory class. The class is scheduled on every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm.


The session includes understanding the mystery and meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism, what it means to live the faith we profess, how we raise our children in the faith, how we celebrate the Sacrament and meaning of its symbols.


For  young people over the age of seven who have not been baptized the preparation process is different. It's a longer process as they have to be catechized and prepare themselves to receive the sacrament of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation.


For more information or to register, please contact the church office at 510-223-1153


First Eucharist and First Reconciliation


The greatest gift given by Jesus for us to live our lives with Him. It is the source and summit of our Faith. Pope Francis states that' from this Sacrament of love, in fact, flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion and of witness.


For Families planning for the celebration of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation for their child, the two-year preparation is required.


During the second year they receive the Sacraments. Regular attendance in Faith Formation sessions and Sunday liturgy along with the family is required. The preparation also requires the parents attendance in the mandatory Sacramental preparation meeting and the sacramental family day offered for each sacrament.

For information or to register for these sacraments please contact the parish office 510-223-1153 


Penance and Reconciliation


Reconciliation is a sacrament which shows that God is love and that His mercy surpasses all our sins. It is a means to be reconciled with God, others and yourself. Receiving this sacrament more often helps us to be in the state of grace.


Confession times :

1/2 hour prior to all Sunday Masses

Saturday: 4:30 - 5:15 pm


How to make a good confession

Examination of Conscience



In the sacrament of Confirmation the baptized person is "sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. It deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witness of Jesus Christ in our Families, neighborhoods, society and the world. (USCCB Catechism for Adults)



Please consider the eligibility of your child before registering.



  • Candidates for the Youth Confirmation program must be 14 to 16 years of age and attending high school.


Reception of Sacraments

  • Baptism            –   please submit a copy of the youth’s Baptismal Certificate

  • Eucharist          –   please show the First Holy Communion Certificate, regular Communion; see note below about Mass attendance

  • Reconciliation –   regular Confession: mandatory during Advent, Lent, at the Youth Retreat, and just before the Sacrament of Confirmation


Ongoing Faith Formation

  • An understanding of and love for the Catholic faith

  • At least two years of regular faith formation at a parish or school, after second grade.

  • Faith Knowledge Inventory – to assess the extent of knowledge of the faith



  • Demonstrated ability to make the Sign of the Cross and to recite the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Act of Contrition, Apostles’ Creed, Ten Commandments, Memorare, and Hail Holy Queen.




Attendance at the Youth Confirmation Mass tentatively scheduled for June 2022 (date to be finalized by the Diocese of Oakland later this fall). Candidates cannot be Confirmed if they cannot attend this Youth Confirmation Mass.


34 classes (68 hours of engagement are recommended)

  • Faithful attendance and punctuality at weekly classes.

  • Missing any of the final four sessions before the sacrament will result in necessity to repeat the year of preparation before being Confirmed.

  • Preparation for class:

            -  Completion of assignments

            -  Presentation on chosen saint name

            -  Learn and recite the Precepts of the Church and all the above said prayers


Service/Ministry Hours

  • 24 validated hours

  • Service at St. Callistus is recommended (as altar server, Faith Formation aide, lector, volunteer at parish events, usher, greeter, cleaning of the Church environment (Saturdays), etc.)

  • Volunteering in the community is also accepted with proper documentation (direct service to the poor)


Mass Attendance

  • Every Sunday Mass in St. Callistus

  • Serve during the Mass on 2nd & 4th Sundays



  • Attendance at Youth Confirmation Overnight Retreat

  • Attendance at Final Retreat (on a Saturday, as immediate preparation for the Sacrament)


One-on-one Interviews with the Pastor

  • Mandatory check-in interview around December.

  • Mandatory preparedness interview around April demonstrating love for the Catholic faith and understanding of the importance and meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Additional interim interviews during the course of the program may be scheduled as necessary.


Qualified Sponsor for Candidate – Name must be submitted by Monday, Dec. 20

  • Baptismal godmother or godfather of the candidate is suggested, if feasible.

  • Active, practicing Catholic (cannot be a parent of the candidate)

  • At least 18 years of age

  • Has received the Sacrament of Confirmation

  • Receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist frequently/regularly

  • If married, married in the Catholic Church

  • Plans to maintain an ongoing relationship with the candidate to promote the candidate’s lifelong spiritual growth

  • If not a registered member of St. Callistus, must have a letter from the pastor of their parish attesting to their ability to be a sponsor. Deadline for the letter is January 17.

  • Mandatory attendance at the rehearsal for the Youth Confirmation Mass and at the Sacrament of Confirmation itself.


Parents’ Meeting (two meetings)

  • Orientation

  • At halfway Mark (in February)


Forms and Releases

  • Registration form

  • Parental Permission form for program/Teen’s Health & Medical Form

  •  Copy of Baptismal certificate & First Holy Communion.

  • Parental Permission form for overnight retreat (Given later)

  • Sponsor Information form (Due Dec. 20)

  • Pledge of Commitment Form


Donation of $175 

  • This covers the cost of the textbook and program materials, and contributes to the cost of the retreat. However, there may be an additional cost for the retreat.


For more information and registrations, please contact the parish office 510-223-1153 




The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the church. It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life. (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1661)


The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant, which is more than a contract. It's the visible assign of God's love for the church. By receiving this sacrament, the couple receives the grace needed for a lifelong bond of unity.


For weddings at St. Callistus, please make arrangements with the Pastor at least six (6) months in advance.

Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick


Part of Jesus' ministry was to heal the sick, and He went about curing those who were ill or disabled, showing that suffering and death have no place in the Kingdom of God. By His sacrifice of Himself, He took hold of suffering and death and eliminated their power to separate us from each other or from God. Our faith tells us that, indeed, God suffers with us. Through Jesus' suffering and death, God joins His suffering to the suffering of human beings. And by doing this, He transforms and gives it a new meaning.


Through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick we are assured that God will raise us up, like Jesus, from our bed of pain and sickness and lead us to eternal life.

Holy Orders
Holy Orders


As people of God, we all share in the priesthood of Christ, and so the Church speaks meaningfully of "the priesthood of all believers." Each of us is to exercise our priesthood by strengthening and serving one another. Within the Church there are many means of service. One way of service stands out as a sacrament, namely Holy Orders, which ordains the recipient to the office of bishop, priest or deacon.

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