At the Lord’s Table everyone has their age-related role. Children age 10 and older do their part by serving the Priest and the congregation as servers. Jesus always loved children and welcomed them to His presence. Being close to Him at the Altar, the children who serve at Mass are especially close to His heart. It's also an opportunity to get to know other parishioners and build friendships with other young people. If you h ave received First Holy Communion, you are eligible to join.
Contact: Ugoeze Ofoegbu: 510-375-1813,
The Art and Environment Ministry takes the lead in planning and decorating St. Callistus Church, making seasonal changes to the environment for various liturgical seasons and events. Their aim is to create decorations that foster mood of dignity and hospitality that leadsto participation in the liturgy. People with artistic talents and a sense of the Sacred are invited to join this ministry.
Contact: Guia Gorospe: 510-734-9289,

The regular ministers for Holy Communion are Deacons, Priests and Bishops. That is why these Lay Ministers are called Extraordinary Ministers. They assist the Priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. To become one, one must be 21 years old, a practicing Catholic, must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and if married the marriage must be sacramentalized (married in the Catholic Church), and must be a registered parishioner of St. Callistus. These ministers normally serve at the Mass of their preference. Potential Ministers first meet with Fr. Jimmy, go through training, and get commissioned before being scheduled to serve.

St. Callistus is a welcoming and friendly parish. The smiling face of our Greeters makes anyone who comes here for worship feel at ease and welcome right away. Being the first line of contact for our parish, the Greeters fulfill an extremely important role. If you love people and are willing to go out of yourself in love and kindness you are good material to be a Greeter.
Contact: Christina Papi: 925-864-6803,

These people are entrusted with the all important task of making the Word of God alive at the Mass. By reading out for us the Scripture passages and the General Intercessions, they enable us to listen to what the Lord wants us to hear that particular day. To be a Lector a person must be a practicing Catholic, must have the gift of proclamation and voice, at least 18 years of age, must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and if married the marriage must be sacramentalized (married in the Catholic Church), and must be a registered parishioner of St. Callistus. Lectors serve on a rotating basis at their preferred Mass. Potential Lectors first meet with Fr. Jimmy, go through training, and get commissioned before being scheduled to serve.

"The Role of music is to serve the needs of the Liturgy and not to dominate it, seek to entertain, or draw attention to itself or the musicians." (Sing to the Lord; Music in Divine Worship). A liturgical musician is not merely a volunteer, but a minister who shares the faith, serves the community and expresses the love of God and neighbor through music. They are from the parish community who possess the musical skills and commitment to the established schedule of rehearsals and Liturgies and be willing to abide by the rules and regulations of St. Callistus Church; have a positive attitude, team spirit; be a practicing Catholic who is a registered member of the parish. Ministers of Music do not perform for the entertainment of those present, but provide the accompaniment, and lead to enable the members of the assembly to sing the responses, acclamations and songs of the Liturgy.

The role of the Ushers is not only taking the Collections. Their primary function is to ensure that the celebration of the Eucharist goes in a smooth and orderly manner. Thus they direct people to the pews, help them find a seat if needed, direct them at the Communion time, deal with emergencies, hand out bulletins (and other materials, if any) at the end of the Mass, and after Mass get the Church ready for the next Mass by cleaning up the pews and kneelers, etc.
Contact: Christina Papi: 925-864-6803,