Raffle to Win a
2023 VW Jetta S with Convenience Package or $5,000 (minimum) Cash Prize*
$100 = 1 Raffle Ticket, $500 = 6 Raffle Tickets; Maximum # of Tickets Sold: 500
Tickets may be purchased during business hours at the Parish office, or after weekend Masses. (Cash or check only).
Zelle purchase is also available to st.callistus@sbcglobal.net. Please do in presence of official ticket distributor or office staff.
Proceeds will support St. Callistus Catholic Church’s Operational needs.
Must be 18 years or older to participate. Maximum number of 500 tickets to be sold. Raffle drawing will take place on Sunday October 15, 2023 at the First Annual St. Callistus Fest, 3580 San Pablo Dam Rd. El Sobrante, California. Winner need not be present. All winnings must be reported on annual tax filings.
*See Rules and Regulations below. | Download PDF
Scheduled for October 15, 2023
The raffle is conducted by St. Callistus Catholic Church Parish (the “Parish”), located at 3580 San Pablo Dam Road, El Sobrante, California 94803. The Parish is a non-profit organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and as defined by California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701(d). All proceeds, less expenses, will benefit the Parish’s operational needs.
Prizes to be given away in the raffle include:
First Prize: 2023 VW Jetta S*
Second Prize: $1,000
Third Prize: $500
* The winner of the vehicle is required to pay all applicable fees and taxes at time of delivery
The raffle drawing will take place on October 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Parish. The drawing will be held under the supervision of the Pastor, Fr. Dante Tamayo. Tickets may be sold up to the drawing date and time if available. A maximum of 500 tickets will be sold at $100/ticket, or $500/6 tickets. If 10% or more of the total number of tickets are not sold, the drawing for the First Prize will revert to a 30/70 raffle (a cash prize equal to 30% of the value of all tickets sold) with a minimum guaranteed First Prize of $5,000.
Purchasers of tickets must legibly write their name, address, phone number and email address (if applicable) on the ticket. If more than one name is listed on the ticket, the first name listed shall be considered the “entrant.” The Parish shall have no obligation for delivery of any prize to any person other than the entrant.
The raffle ticket will consist of two sections each bearing the same sequential number: the first part is referred to as the ‘Stub” which will contain the entrant’s information (name, address, phone number) and will remain with by the raffle administrator (to be placed in the receptacle from which the winning tickets will be drawn), and the second part is referred to as the “Coupon” which will remain with the entrant as proof of ownership of the ticket. A winning ticket’s owner must present the corresponding original Coupon in order to redeem a prize.
Purchasers of tickets must be 18 years or older. Payment for the tickets shall be made with “good funds” which may be cash or check. Checks should be made payable to “St. Callistus Catholic Church.” If any purchaser’s check is dishonored by the bank, the raffle ticket will be declared invalid unless and until full payment in “good funds” is made prior to the drawing. All purchases are final and no refunds will be issued.
Winners need not be present to win. Winners will be contacted immediately after the drawing.
Winners are subject to all Federal and State tax regulations, and payment of any taxes is the sole responsibility of each winner. However, the Parish will withhold, as required, a minimum federal and state income tax payment from the cash prizes and remit the payments to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board. The Parish will file reports pertaining to prizes that are more than $600 and 300 times the amount paid for the winning ticket, to the applicable federal and state taxing authorities including, but not limited to, IRS Form W- 2G.
The purchase price of the ticket does not qualify as a deductible charitable contribution and is not tax deductible
Winners acknowledge that the Parish, its Pastor, its agents and representatives have not made and neither are they in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee expressed or implied in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness for a particular use.
If the winner cannot be reached at the phone number, email address or mailing address on the ticket stub for any reason by end of business day on October 25, 2023 (10 days after the drawing date), a disqualification will result, and an alternate winner will be drawn.
A copy of all rules and eligibility requirements will be posted in the Parish hall, and on the Parish website : saintcallistus.org/2023raffle
The employees of the Parish, at their discretion, may participate in the raffle.
The decision of the Parish Pastor shall be final on all matters concerning the raffle.